Formalising Governance Processes for Seamless Protocol

Title: Formalising Governance Processes for Seamless Protocol

Author(s): @ras

Submission Date: 2024/01/12

Simple Summary:

This proposal aims to formalise the governance processes and forum/proposal set-up to provide a clearer structure and a fast-track procedure to increase efficiency of the DAO.


Currently, the governance process seems to be not fully standardised. Thus there might be confusion regarding proposal categories and timeframes. This issue could magnify when onboarding new community members. This proposal seeks to formalise the proposal process and update the information in related docs and guidelines.

Specification/Body Text:

In this respect I suggest to amend the existing governance process as follows:

  1. Add a proposals classification: Protocol Changes Proposal (PCP) or Governance Changes Proposal (GCP).

Protocol Changes are proposals pertaining to any risk parameter changes, the addition of new asset markets, decisions about the SEAM token emissions rate, etc.

Governance Changes cover changes to broader protocol governance structures, format, processes and quorum thresholds, and therefore require a higher margin of “For” votes to pass.

  1. Limit an ideation phase to 5 days. A proposer has a right to prolong the discussion up to 5 more days.

  2. Oblige a proposer to repost his/her initial proposal with comments received from other members of the DAO as a new comment under the same proposal forum thread. This will be the final version of the proposal to be submitted to the Snapshot temperature check.

  3. Introduce a 2 days cooldown period before submitting the final version to the Snapshot vote.

  4. Given that Snapshot Snapshot currently cannot read “delegated voting power” on Base chain, require only a simple majority for a proposal to pass temperature check.

  5. Introduce a “cool-down period” of at least 24 hours between the end of the Snapshot vote and on-chain vote is strongly recommended.
    Next steps
    After the proposal passes, the relevant section in the Gitbook documentation will be updated. Forum categories will be restructured, with detailed guidance and proposal templates included in the pinged post for each category.

Next steps

After the proposal passes, the relevant section in the Gitbook documentation will be updated in accordance with the following document Title: Formalising Governance Processes - Google Docs
Forum categories will be restructured, with detailed guidance and proposal templates included in the pinged post for each category.


This is really amazing work. All the best team.

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I am supportive of this generally! And the further progress on thinking through and formalizing processes like a “fast track” approach - supportive here.

I wonder if there is as further suggestion in the future that different types of proposals can have a different length comment periods, but it’s hard to say right now without knowing the general categories of proposals we may see in the future as a community

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I am in favor for continuous refinement of the governance process to lean into a structure that ensures proposals have a shelf life before they move onto the next stage. I think providing explicit dates on the ideation phase helps move Seamless Protocol towards a structure that community members can get behind.

I would encourage other community members to also propose items in Discourse/Discord in the spirit of involving more community members.

I’m confident the gov process will even further improve being that the protocol is still in its early days with much room to grow. In Favor!

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The vote is open Snapshot.