[PCP-11] Enable E-mode and Reserve Factor

Proposal Summary:

  • Turn on e-mode for ETH-correlated assets (i.e. ETH/WETH, cbETH and wstETH)
  • Potentially (based on community demand) turn on e-mode for stablecoins (USDC and DAI)

Reserve Factor

  • Enable reserve factor for all currently public and active lend/borrow markets on Seamless

The Seamless protocol and its community have grown and matured, strengthening in areas such as risk analysis and liquidation processes. As a result, it seems plausible that Seamless could enable efficiency mode (e-mode), enhancing user lending and borrowing efficiency with some minor additional operational complexities. Moreover, considering the prevailing reward rate environment in Base DeFi, enabling the Reserve Factor for the DAO appears advisable.

Proposal Details:
Enabling E-mode

  1. Turn on ETH-correlated e-mode, following industry best practices/standards and risk analysis suggestions.
    2… Turn on Stablcoin e-mode for USDC and DAI only, once again following industry best practices/standards and risk analysis suggestions. ALSO, only turn on if there appears to be strong community response/demand to this particular type of e-mode.

Turn on Reserve Factor
Turn on reserve factor for all markets, following other Base-market standards to ensure the protocol remains competitive with others. Here are some initial suggestions:

Asset Reserve Factor
USDC 10%
USDbC 20%
ETH 15%
cbETH 15%
DAI 15%
wstETH 15%

Next Steps:
Based on currently established community governance standards, suggest the ~5 day period begins for open discussion period for the community to share its input, thoughts and/or suggestions.


This proposal looks great, and I fully support it… I believe these updates will greatly benefit the community and improve our efficiency of lending and borrowing.

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Awesome suggestion! The protocol has been working for quite some time without accruing any reserves, while they are crucial for sustainability of the protocol in the wrong run. Moreover, with time this will allow the DAO to follow the Uniswap way in terms of incentivising holders.

At the same time, since we are introducing reserve factors for the first time, I would suggest that we start with lower numbers at the begining. I would suggest 5-10%. Probably something like:

USDbC 10%
ETH 7%
cbETH 7%
DAI 7%
wstETH 7%


A set of recommendations for enabling both Reserve Factors and E-mode on Seamless.

Reserve Factor Recommendation

Reserve Factor is the share of revenue a protocol receives for facilitating lending and borrowing. These values depend on an asset’s maturity, the maturity of its interest rates, competition, volatility, and the relative importance of the asset to the protocol, among other factors.

For assets like USDC, rates are very competitive, the asset is mature, and volatility is low, hence it carries a Reserve Factor of 10%. If this was higher, USDC’s supply APY would be less attractive, thus attracting less supply, increasing borrow APR, decreasing the amount borrowed, and so forth.

The protocol can set the Reserve Factor higher when an asset is volatile or new, as rates for said asset are less competitive and more likely to fluctuate. These assets are generally set at a 20-35% Reserve Factor. The reserve factor can also discourage the use of a certain market, as may be prudent in the USDbC market in light of native USDC being available.

Finally, Reserve Factor can be an important calculation in looping strategies, especially when users are looping an asset against itself, as is the case on Seamless.

Increasing the Reserve Factor would increase costs for loopers and generate revenue for the protocol, especially while token rewards boosting APY are ongoing. However, this also has the potential to induce liquidations over time as it widens the spread between supply and borrow rates, causing debt to increase faster than collateral. Given on-chain liquidity and user distribution, it is likely that even the largest position would be able to be liquidated efficiently.

Below we recommend two sets of parameters, conservative and aggressive, which will allow us to observe user behavior and potentially adjust them further in the future. It may be preferable to first implement the conservative tranche before implementing the aggressive tranche.

Asset Conservative Reserve Factor Aggressive Reserve Factor
USDC 5% 10%
USDbC 15% 20%
ETH 10% 15%
cbETH 10% 15%
DAI 10% 15%
wstETH 10% 15%

E-mode Enablement Recommendation

E-mode allows Seamless to increase capital efficiency on related assets.

There are two key properties we must require for E-mode assets:

  1. Pairwise prices must be historically mean reverting — the sampled mean exchange rate of any two tokens is stable and predictable. If the exchange between two assets doesn’t mean-revert, users will experience liquidations, and bad debt might be accrued.
  2. Pairwise prices must mean-revert quickly — from the moment prices diverge, they must converge back to the mean in a reasonable amount of time. This way, Seamless has some confidence it will not be holding debt for long.

Major price deviations between E-mode assets may lead to bad debt, either from missed or adverse liquidations. We set our LT/LTV values sufficiently low to mitigate bad debt and improve the user experience for retail users.

LT: As a conservative measure, we set LT/LTV ratios according to the most significant deviation observed for any two assets.

LTV: We can minimize the chances that users are liquidated by increasing the gap between LT and LTV. This way, even during major depeg events, they will not be harmed by liquidations (and we further minimize the chances of accruing bad debt).


LTV 90.00%
LT 93.00%
Liquidation Penalty 2.00%

Stablecoin (USDC and DAI only)

LTV 93.00%
LT 95.00%
Liquidation Penalty 1.00%

100% in favor of this proposal!

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100% reserve factor on seems like a great idea and next step.

for e-mode i don’t have an informed opinion since i don’t use it, curious what others have to say

This is the natural evolution of Seamless, to build in a business model to make some revenues and determine next steps. In Favor of this as this will create healthy markets and behaviors for suppliers and borrowers. Also e mode makes sense in the context of correlated/stable markets. Thanks for the proposal!

I am In favor of both of these upgrades! I like the detailed suggestions by @chaoslabs, and to @Ras’s point of starting with something smaller, I’d support the Conservative column of Chao’s recommendations.

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Agree with @chaoslabs suggestion as well

Thanks everyone for their input and thoughts! Based on the feedback that was given, it appears more appropriate to put a more conservative approach to Reserve Factor activiation, represented by the conservative column that Chaos provided. As such, I’ve reposted and modified the proposal below:

Proposal Summary:

  • Turn on e-mode for ETH-correlated assets (i.e. ETH/WETH, cbETH and wstETH)
  • Potentially (based on community demand) turn on e-mode for stablecoins (USDC and DAI)

Reserve Factor

  • Enable reserve factor for all currently public and active lend/borrow markets on Seamless

The Seamless protocol and its community have grown and matured, strengthening in areas such as risk analysis and liquidation processes. As a result, it seems plausible that Seamless could enable efficiency mode (e-mode), enhancing user lending and borrowing efficiency with some minor additional operational complexities. Moreover, considering the prevailing reward rate environment in Base DeFi, enabling the Reserve Factor for the DAO appears advisable.

Proposal Details:
Enabling E-mode

  1. Turn on ETH-correlated e-mode, following industry best practices/standards and risk analysis suggestions.
    2… Turn on Stablcoin e-mode for USDC and DAI only, once again following industry best practices/standards and risk analysis suggestions.

Turn on Reserve Factor
Turn on reserve factor for all markets, following other Base-market standards to ensure the protocol remains competitive with others. Here are some initial suggestions:

Asset Reserve Factor
USDbC 15%
ETH 10%
cbETH 10%
DAI 10%
wstETH 10%
AERO 20%

Next Steps:
Since the five day dicsussion period has ended, will enact the 2-day cooldown period before this would be moved to an on-chain vote.

Note: this was edited to reflect that e-mode will be turned on for stablecoins as well and to include the AERO reserve factor recommendation given by Chaos found [here].([PCP-12] Support AERO on Seamless - #12 by Guz_MassAdopt) This recommendation has been approved via discussion and onchain Tally Vote


Oki doki!

The vote is live on tally: Tally | Seamless Protocol Proposal

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The reserve factor portion of this proposal is live on tally as well

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