[PCP-9] USDC Supply and Borrow Cap Recommendations


A proposal to:

  • Increase supply and borrow caps for USDC

The recommendations below were made utilizing Chaos Labs’ supply and borrow cap methodologies and after analyzing user positions for each asset.


The supply cap and borrow cap for USDC on Base are currently utilized at 82% and 84%, respectively.

Supply & Borrow Distribution

In our previous recommendation, we offered a conservative approach of raising the supply caps from 8M to 16M and borrow caps from 6M to 12M. We’ve observed the user behavior since this recommendation. Given that the supply and borrow patterns for USDC have been consistent, and is primarily concentrated in a single wallet, along with a few new accounts supplying USDC and WETH and borrowing USDC, we do not perceive any additional risk and thus support increasing the supply and borrow caps further.

Additionally, we have observed sufficient liquidity of USDC on Base to support our recommendation to increase the supply and borrow caps.


Asset Current Supply Cap Recommended Supply Cap Current Borrow Cap Recommended Borrow Cap
USDC 16,000,000 32,000,000 12,000,000 24,000,000

Thank you @chaoslabs and acknowledged! This will be shared to the guardians and discussed for updates . If/when the adjustment is executed it will be shared to the community here