SCGP APPLICATION: [Data Analytics Dashboard ]

Applicant Info

General Project Info

  • Project Name: Data Analytics Dashboard
  • Project Sector/Type (select one): Other
  • If “Other,” please specify: Analytics Dashboard
  • Project Summary: This dashboard provides a number of data analytics metrics including AS TVL, Borrow and Supply activity, and user activity.
  • About the Team (+location): The work is individual, and the location is Turkey
  • Relevant Links (website, github, discord, twitter, gitbook, explainer decks, etc):

Dashboard Link:
Twitter Thread:

  • Market Research (target users, competitors, market potential, pain points):

Core Team and Users

Detailed Project Info

  • Goals/Objectives + Relevance to Seamless Protocol/Community: The objective is to enhance the Dashboard for the benefit of the Team and Protocol users
  • Roadmap:
  • Relevant Milestones/Metrics (Now and Future):
  • Funding Request + Budget Breakdown:

Other Info

  • Please link to any previous work that showcases your expertise: my Other Dashboards: Flipside Data App
  • Anything else we should know (e.g. existing partnerships, early adopters/community)? If you have any suggestions on how to improve this dashboard, please let me know
  • Where did you hear about the Seamless grants program? Seamless Twitter Account (Via DM)
  • Have you received any other funding (vc/institutional, angel and/or other DAO/grant funding)? not for This Dashboard
  • Wallet Address that can accept ERC-20 Tokens on Base (this will be directly verified again prior to funding): 0xab4fc9dd5020848b84fa363707e210db7b74964b
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Hi @Abbas_ra21! Nice to meet you and thanks for pioneering the grants application process! Im Ras, a member of the Grants Council.

I think u might have missed some sections, may I ask u to provide the following info:

  • Roadmap:
  • Relevant Milestones/Metrics (Now and Future):
  • Funding Request + Budget Breakdown:

And I have one question, why do u think a flipside dashboard would be better than a Dune one? There is one made already by some contributors

Hi Ras,

Nice to meet you too and thank you for reaching out! I apologize for any missing sections in the application. Here’s the additional information you requested:

Roadmap: The roadmap includes deeper metrics analysis, particularly focusing on user behavior and comparing with other lending platforms on various chains. I’m open to suggestions from the team for creating customized analytics.

Relevant Milestones/Metrics (Now and Future): I aim to create more in-depth metrics for the benefit of users and the core team, with a focus on user behavior and comparative metrics with other lending platforms.

Funding Request: I’m requesting $500-$1000 to support the development of these enhanced metrics and other analytics Dashboard related to the platform.

Why Flipside is Better: Flipside offers faster and cleaner data tables, particularly in the DeFi and lending areas, compared to Dune. Additionally, all metrics available in Dune are included in our Flipside Dashboard, with the added benefit of more metrics and potential future comparative metrics.

Let me know if you need further clarification or adjustments!


This is an awesome dashboard! As a community member, i would love to see more public dashboards be developed in the future

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@Abbas_ra21 thanks for your contributions so far!

As an individual interested community member, curious what ideas you have for further dashboards and metrics? Anything you’ve seen others do?

From my side, i think something tracking reward emissions and behaviors arising from it would be super interesting.

Also have some thoughts around the general market things, I think the chaos public dashboard is helpful for a reference point: Chaos Labs

But it seems there could be room for further onchain metrics or tracking around total trxns, repeat users, by market breakdowns of certain things etc. etc.

Can expand on that more separately and try to connect on telegram discord to share some thoughts and chat.

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Hey RichyRNG,

Thanks for showing interest! I’ve got some cool ideas in the pipeline to make my dashboards even better. We’re diving deep into how users interact with Seamless, like figuring out who’s really active and how they’re using other dApps too. Plus, putting a spotlight on retention metrics to really get a grip on what keeps users coming back.

also thinking about setting up dashboards that compare Seamless directly with other lending platforms out there, blockchain no barrier. It’s a neat way to see where the platform stands and where can level up.

And, I haven’t forgotten about looking into the rewards and emissions.

Got ideas or feedback? We’re all ears. Your input’s super valuable as we keep tweaking and improving things.

you can contact me on x (twitter) : Abbas_ra21

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Thanks you for the response! I suppose that u could enumerate metrics that u are going to build in the roadmap, so that it is clear for the DAO what they will get. With the list of metrics (it does not restrict u from adding others in the future) I suppose your application will be ready for approval.

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Thank you @Abbas_ra21 for applying to the SCGP. Excited to share that you’ve been accepted as one of the first recipients of the SCGP – Let’s BUIDL!

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Thank you for accepting my application

My dashboard has been updated with new metrics and section

An overview of users’ balances (ETH and Seam) and In addition, a new section will examine how seamless the protocol stats ( Supply and Borrow) are with other lending platforms

Also, in the near future, I will add more metrics.

You can suggest any metrics you want to see by contacting me on Twitter with - abbas_ra21 - ID.


The full award details can be found on Discord: Discord

Congrats, once again! Feel free to direct any other questions to Discord.