Clement Bouchet
Discord: clemweb

Small Saint is a decentralized review system that rewards real & authentic reviews.

Small Saint is dapp focusing on depin through a reward system for people to review / interact with projects online. Similar to trustpilot with every review and upvote registered on chain. Making it immutable.

Team is comprised of 3 cofounders:

Jonas Frewert /CTO / Germany

Jonas is a dedicated German engineer. He has paved the way for numerous physical products to transition to the cloud.

Clement Girard /CEO / Portugal

Clement is a French serial entrepreneur with more than 10 years experience in development in technical digital products.

Peter Crawfurd /CMO / Denmark

Peter is a Dane who has almost two decades of online marketing and entrepreneurial experience.

Inclusive pitch deck presenting the project in full:
[Unfaked | Fighting Fake Content]

Detailed Project Info

  • Goals/Objectives + Relevance to Seamless Protocol/Community:
    We aim to become to first decentralized review marketplace. Reviews are more important than ever, especially in bringing transparency and trust. While all centralized options (trustpilot, G2, Yelp…) have shwon their limits. We believe the market is ripe and ready to embrace a decentralized alternative with a reward system as an incentive. It is relevant to Seamless protocol due to the high amount of tx our project would bring on chain. As for the community, it will be a way to engage with Seamless protocol on a daily basis while bringing value to a much needed change. All that while being rewarded.


  • Whitepaper
  • Build the core platform including blockchain integration, smart contracts, and user interface.
  • Establish security measures and data privacy protocols.
  • Fund raising & IDO
  • Pre-marketing

Q4 2024 - MVP LAUNCH

  • MVP launch with point reward system
  • Conduct thorough testing of the platform to ensure functionality and security.
  • Refine based on feedback and initial testing outcomes.

Q1 2025: TGE & STAKING

  • Staking rewards launch
  • TGE
  • Dex listing
  • Business client onboarding


  • Officially launch the platform for public use with token integration.
  • Monitor and address any operational issues.


  • Expand the platform’s reach and capabilities.
  • Enhance features based on user demands and technological advances.
  • Heavy client acquisition expansion
  • Develop Small Saint for non crypto related reviews.

High volume transaction Dapp

Reviews are proven to be popular online - Trustpilot alone has 267 million reviews and Yelp receives 26,830 new reviews per minute.

  • Each review = 1 onchain transaction.
  • Each upvote = 1 onchain transaction.
  • Each user will need a wallet.
  • TVL will increase with staking for higher rewards.

Primarily funds will be used for covering technical development of Small Saint.

-Estimated technical development cost of MVP:** $80,000
-No salary from grant to partners:** Only salaries for developers.
-Administrative costs:** Legal, expert consultations, accounting, etc. $5,000

Other Info

  • Please link to any previous work that showcases your expertise:
Community website about sneaker bots created during Covid, gathered a community of more than 30 k members over Discord. Has been sold since
7 years old SEM / e-reputation agency servicing client in Europe / China and the US.

The team has worked on countless projects individually and together over the past 10 years.

  • Anything else we should know (e.g. existing partnerships, early adopters/community)?
    We have a team of web devs internally that is ready to work on this project but will need assistance with smart contracts.

  • Where did you hear about the Seamless grants program?
    We heard about the seamless grant program through a Medium post.

  • Have you received any other funding (vc/institutional, angel and/or other DAO/grant funding)?
    No we have not

  • Wallet Address that can accept ERC-20 Tokens on Base (this will be directly verified again prior to funding):

Hi @smallsaint, welcome to the Seamless grants programme! I’m a member of the SCGP.
While your project looks interesting and promising, I do not really see it’s relevance to Seamless Protocol/community, maybe u could provide some more details?