Applicant Info

General Project Info

  • Project Name: Ms Green

  • Project Sector/Type (select one): Liquidators | DEX Liquidity | ILMs | Governance Tools | Content | Ecosystem Support | Farcaster Frames | Other

  • If “Other,” please specify: Ecosystem Support (Meme)

  • Project Summary: Summary (30 words):
    Ms $Green, born from meme culture, paying tribute to the iconic Green M&M, embodies joy and innovation in a digital confectionery world. Her journey intertwines laughter, blockchain, and community, captivating both degens and whimsical connoisseurs alike.

  • About the Team (+location):

  • Relevant Links (website, github, discord, twitter, gitbook, explainer decks, etc): /

  • Market Research (target users, competitors, market potential, pain points): None

Detailed Project Info

  • Goals/Objectives + Relevance to Seamless Protocol/Community: To make Ms Green one of the solid meme projects.

  • Roadmap:

  • Relevant Milestones/Metrics (Now and Future): NFT Marketplace, GreenJar (staking)

  • Funding Request + Budget Breakdown:

Other Info

  • Please link to any previous work that showcases your expertise:

  • Anything else we should know (e.g. existing partnerships, early adopters/community)? None

  • Where did you hear about the Seamless grants program? Cointelegraph

  • Have you received any other funding (vc/institutional, angel and/or other DAO/grant funding)? None

  • Wallet Address that can accept ERC-20 Tokens on Base (this will be directly verified again prior to funding): 0x33c1Fb3f72d2624cbDf3ED48bbc62819E4c4AbDd

We are excited to work with the ccommunity

Thank you for your submission. The SCGP council has reviewed your grant application and has decided to pass at this time. Best of luck in building!